CSS layout | CSS Layout with sticky sidebar and detect scroll by jQuery

This time, a customer, ask for develop a structure like the one you see below.

See the Pen
CSS Layout | CSS Layout with sticky sidebar and detect scroll by jQuery
by Andrea Pizzigalli (@Pizzi)
on CodePen.

The requests are:
1° Need to have a content area, split in two blocks, one with 100% height, and other with fix height in sticky position.
2° Need to interact with jQuery for update div properties based on position on screen.
And the problems / Solutions:
1° For element in sticky position, we can use


2° If Use


can’t use

 $(window).scroll(function() {} 

, but we can use something different …

Let’s start form the structure:

<div id="stiky">
<div class="header">
<div class="container home_conts">
<div class="inner_home_conts">
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<div class="sidebar">
sidebar sidebar</div>
<div class="footer">

Basically we have a div ‘#stiky’ that wrap the structure, an header ‘.header’, a div ‘.container’, that contain two child div, ‘.inner_home_cont’ and ‘.sidebar’.
The trick is that “sidebar” has a “Sticky” position:

position: -webkit-sticky;
position: sticky;
top: 0;
max-height: 12rem;