Prestashop 1.7.1 | Smarty template varibles
here a list of main smarty commands that i use in prestashop:
{$subcategory.id_image|@print_r} ==> Print an array {$page|@print_r} ==> Print page array {if $subcategory.id_image neq it-default1} {else} {/if} ==> Check if subcategory has image {$urls.base_url} ==> Prestashop site baseUrl {$urls.base_url} ==> Store address {$urls.current_url} ==> Current address (url) where we are {$urls.shop_domain_url} ==> Store domain {$urls.img_ps_url} ==> Image root directory url {$urls.img_cat_url} ==> Url directory of images of the categories {$urls.img_lang_url} ==> Url of the language images directory {$urls.img_prod_url} ==> Url of the product images directory {$urls.img_manu_url} ==> Url directory of manufacturers images {$urls.img_sup_url} ==> Url of the providers directory {$urls.img_ship_url} ==> Url directory of images of carriers {$urls.img_url} ==> Url of the image directory of the template {$urls.css_url} ==> Template URL directory url {$urls.js_url} ==> Template JS directory url {$urls.pic_url} ==> Url file directory uploaded {$urls.pages.address} ==> Url from the "My Address" section {$urls.pages.addresses} ==> Url from the "My addresses" section {$urls.pages.authentication} ==> Url section of the authentication page {$urls.pages.cart} ==> Cart section url (order summary) {$urls.pages.category} ==> Url section of categories {$urls.pages.cms} ==> Url of the content section {$} ==> Url section of the contact form {$} ==> Url of the discount voucher section {$urls.pages.guest_tracking} ==> Tracking url for unregistered clients {$urls.pages.history} ==> Url from the order history section {$urls.pages.identity} ==> Url of the section "Personal data" {$urls.pages.index} ==> Page url {$urls.pages.my_account} ==> Url section of my account {$urls.pages.order_confirmation} ==> Url section of the order confirmation page. {$urls.pages.order_follow} ==> Url in the "Order Tracking" {$urls.pages.pagenotfound} ==> Url of section "404 (Page not found)" {$urls.pages.password} ==> Url of the section "Recover Password" {$urls.pages.prices_drop} ==> Url section we lowered prices / products discount / discounts {$urls.pages.product} ==> Product tab url {$} ==> Url of the searcher section {$urls.pages.sitemap} ==> Site Map section url {$urls.pages.stores} ==> Url of the section "Shops / Our stores" {$urls.pages.supplier} ==> Url from the providers section {$urls.pages.register} ==> Url log page {$urls.theme_assets} ==> Url of the "assets" directory of the template / themes / template / assets / {$urls.actions.logout} ==> Url to close section in the store {$cart} ==> Information about cart. Read entries below for more informations {$cart->id} ==> ID of customer cart {$cart->id_shop_group} ==> ID of shop group (multistore feature) {$cart->id_shop} ==> ID of shop (multistore feature) {$cart->id_address_delivery} ==> ID of customer address delivery (only if order was made) {$cart->id_address_invoice} ==> ID of customer address invoice (only if order was made) {$cart->id_currency} ==> ID of cart currency {$cart->id_customer} ==> ID of customer for which cart belongs (only if customer is logged) {$cart->id_guest} ==> ID of shop guest {$cart->id_lang} ==> ID of cart language {$cart->recycable} ==> Bool value if recycable checked for this cart {$cart->gift} ==> Bool value if gift checed for this cart {$cart->gift_message} ==> Gift message {$cart->mobile_theme} ==> Bool value if cart was created on mobile device {$cart->date_add} ==> Date of cart creation {$cart->date_upd} ==> Date of cart update {$cart->id_carrier} ==> Id of cart carrier (if selected) {$cart->checkedTos} ==> Bool value if terms of service is checked {$img_cat_dir} ==> URL for the directory with categories images {$img_ps_dir} ==> URL for the directory with PrestaShop image {$img_lang_dir} ==> URL for the directory with languages images {$img_sup_dir} ==> URL for the directory with suppliers images {$img_ship_dir} ==> URL for the directory with carriers images {$img_prod_dir} ==> URL for the directory with products images {$img_manu_dir} ==> URL for the directory with manufacturers images {$img_dir} ==> URL for the directory with theme’s images {$css_dir} ==> URL for the directory with theme’s CSS {$modules_dir} ==> URL for the directory with modules {$mail_dir} ==> URL for the directory with mail templates {$js_dir} ==> URL for the directory with theme’s JavaScript {$tpl_dir} ==> URL for the directory with current theme's {$pic_dir} ==> URL for the directory with uploaded pictures {$lang_iso} ==> ISO code for the current language {$cart_qties} ==>Number of products in the cart {$come_from} ==> URL for the visitor’s origin {$shop_name} ==> Shop name {$currency} ==> Currency object (currently used currency). {$currencies} ==> The various available currencies {$id_currency_cookie} ==> ID of the current currency {$cookie} ==> User cookie {$languages} ==> The various available languages {$priceDisplay} ==> Price display method (with or without taxes…) {$roundMode} ==> Rounding method in use {$logged} ==> Indicates whether the visitor is logged to a customer account {$page_name} ==> Page name {$customerName} ==> Client name (if logged in) {$use_taxes} ==> Indicates whether taxes are enabled or not
That’s all